
Posts Tagged ‘pranic healing’

Detox, does it really work?

June 19, 2021 Leave a comment

Detox, does it really work?

How’s your 2021 so far? It’s already the last month of the first half of the year, are you ready for the second half of 2021?

Yes, it’s nice to recharge, review, re-start again and it’s also tempting to look for quick fixes and easy resolutions, right?

One such option is to do a detox plan, social media detox, teatox, juice detox, detox diet, detox yoga. But does it really work?

❤️ Listen to this talk by Pink Caimen Natural Health Coach, Media Practitioner, Medical Yoga Therapist, Arhatic Yoga Practitioner, Pranic Healer

Finding Beauty in Every Pain

June 6, 2021 Leave a comment

Pranic healing teachings and spiritual technology of Master Choa Kok Sui has transformed the life of a person who was stuck and encaged in unnecessary life challenges due to health crisis for 22 years.

Watch how Lyn Balbin, who was once a patient, now a Pranic Healer, navigated her life using these teachings to overcome the crises and emerged as a healthy and successful individual.

Wesak Festival Preparations

April 23, 2021 3 comments

Intensive spiritual purifications and super healing meditation and service before the Wesak Festival (Full Moon of Taurus)

For Pranic Healers - April 24, 2021, Saturday | 7:30pm- 9:30pm Philippine time

Zoom Link:

For Arhatic Yoga Practitioners - April 25, 2021, Sunday | 7:30pm- 9:30pm PST

Zoom Link:

wesak preps


April 18, 2021 Leave a comment


APRIL 27, 2021

(Peak of Full Moon 9:01:24 IST)

Check with your local centers for schedule of group meditation

"At Wesak the Buddha communicates via Christ and Hierarchy with Humanity."
      The Reappearance of the Christ, 96 Alice A. Bailey

"The Wesak Ceremony is held by Hierarchy for 4 objectives:
- to substantiate the existence of the Christ
- to demonstrate solidarity of east and west
- to form a meeting place for the faithful
- to demonstrate the nature of the Christ's work as head  of Hierarchy".
            The Reappearance of the Christ, 45, Alice A. Bailey

"If [the New Group of World Servers] can aspire, pray, meditate and serve, focussing in unison with all other servers at the time of the May full moon, the salvaging of humanity can go forward with much greater speed than heretofore, and the results will be appreciably apparent."
Esoteric Psychology II, 700, Alice A. Bailey

According to Alice Bailey there are three major spiritual festivals which form the high point in the annual cycle. These are the:

1.Festival of Easter (at the Aries full moon),

2.The Festival of Wesak (at the Taurus full moon),

3.The Festival of Goodwill (at the Gemini full moon)

The second of the three major spiritual planetary festivals, The Wesak Festival, is celebrated in the eastern hemisphere at the Taurus full moon. This is the festival of The Buddha, divine intermediary between the highest spiritual center, Shamballa, and the Spiritual Hierarchy.

The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and the indicator of divine purpose.

The Forces of Enlightenment are active during this festival. These forces emanate from the Heart of God, and transmit the second principle of Divinity, Love-Wisdom, leading to Divine Understanding and strengthening those who serve humanity. The qualities of The Buddha and The Christ eminent are the two outstanding expressions of this principle.


Significance of Wesak

(From the Books by Alice A. Bailey)

Together, the three full moon festivals of AriesTaurus andGemini form a united spiritual approach by humanity to divinity.

The Wesak Festival has been traditionally associated in eastern civilization with the Buddha, divine intermediary between the highest spirtual center on the planet, Shamballa, and the Hierarchy. The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of Light and the indicator of divinepurpose, cooperating at this festival with his brother the Christ, who represents the Hierarchy. The Buddha embodies the Principle of Light, and because of this illumination humanity was able to recognize the Christ, embodiment of the still greater Principle of Love.

Each year at the time of Wesak, two great streams of energy ~ one focussed through the Buddha and the other through the Christ ~ are fused and blended, and it is the task of world servers to precipitate this combined energy into the waiting world.

The Wesak Festival is indeed a great spiritual event, with a powerful effect upon humanity. Groups of aspirants can at this time become channels for the higher energies released through the medium of the two focal points ~ the Buddha, who represents the overlighting essence of subjective realities, and the Christ, representative of aspiring humanity.

This is symbolized in religious rituals where the priest acts as the focal point; here, however, the priesthood in this great ceremony of contact is not a separate entity. All can be priests, the single qualification being the capacity to align oneself and be en rapport with the Soul, and thus be able to cooperate with other souls.

Wesak is a time of unusual inflow of life and of spiritual stimulation, serving to vitalize the aspiration of all humanity. At the time of the festival, through the united effort of the Christ and the Buddha working in closest cooperation, there is opened a channel of communication between humanity and deity through which an approach can be made to Those Who guide our planet, so that aspirants and disciples are able to contact energies not otherwise easily available.

The greater the number of people who meditate at this time, the stronger the magnetic field of the group heart and its invocative, indrawing power. It's up to each of us to attune with ever greater clarity to the note being sounded ~ to quiet the mind and transmute individual desires that only cause confusion and chaos, into desire for the greatest good of all.


From Alice A. Bailey Books:

"The Buddha, the Christ, and Shamballa are linked to Humanity at Wesak."
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, 162 - 163

"The Buddha brings spiritual entities from beyond our planet into contact with earth Humanity at Wesak."
Esoteric Psychology II, 685

"Hierarchy aims at four goals each Wesak:
- stimulation of the spirit of love, community, and good       will on Earth
- telepathic fusion of all persons of good will
- invocation of certain great and high Beings

- linkage of Hierarchy, NGWS, and Humanity, which          alignment can set up conditions for great spiritual           improvements on Earth."
             Esoteric Psychology II, 688 - 691


Healing the World Starts from Within – by Dindy Laspinas

March 10, 2021 Leave a comment


Since Dindy Laspiñas encountered Pranic Healing© ® and Arhatic Yoga© ®  over 10 years ago, she has found that the lessons are timeless and immensely practical for life on earth. Call these life hacks if you must, but these tried and tested teachings help one navigate and manage life, and at the same time, go beyond the self to be of greater service to the world.

If you want to be healed and to heal a world that needs all the love it can get, Dindy encourages you to learn Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. It is so much more than what it seems to be and it never grows old.

Dindy shared some of these lessons in her talk and is forever grateful to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui (GMCKS), the founder of modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. Pranic Healing formally began in the Philippines in 1987 and is now in over a hundred countries (and counting…)

“There is nothing supernatural or paranormal about Pranic Healing. It is simply based on natural laws that most people are not aware of.” -GMCKS

“Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga are examples of the union between science and spirituality. This trend is inevitable and will become stronger in the future.” -GMCKS

    Pranic Healing reminds us to watch our thoughts and be aware of our inner state through reflection, character building, and meditation.
    – Imagine if you replaced a negative thought with a positive one
    – Imagine if more people did the same
    – Imagine if the whole world did the same

“What you think repeatedly with conviction will tend to materialize. It’s just a matter of time.” -GMCKS

    Pranic Healing reminds us of who we really are – one with God and one with all.
    Connect to the source of all power.
    Be in charge of your thoughts, emotions, actions, and your life.

“You are a soul with a body, not a body with a soul.” -GMCKS

    Pranic Healing reminds us to go within and at the same time empowers us to calmly create positive change in the world.

“When a situation is beyond your control, just be calm! Withdraw and meditate. Wait for the proper time.” -GMCKS

“Bless the Earth with peace, with love, and with forgiveness. Bless the Earth with hope and with faith. Bless the Earth with light and joy” -GMCKS

Each one of us who shares our Light and Love helps heal the world.

    Pranic Healing teaches us to be calm and nonreactive (to detach), to forgive, to have patience, tolerance, compassion, understanding, and love.

“Forgiving releases the long-standing negative emotions; therefore it is therapeutic.” -GMCKS

“Forgiving others who have wronged you is an opportunity for you to balance your karmic debts.” -GMCKS

“Regulate your mind. Do not worry excessively about the future. If you have done everything that has to be done, the future will take care of itself.” -GMCKS

    Pranic Healing helps us understand laws of nature like the Law of Karma, enabling us to neutralize negative karma and attract the good things in life.

“The Law of Karma is not fatalistic. It gives you the ability to create your future.” -GMCKS

    Pranic Healing provides ways to make service and tithing benefit the most people and teaches how service and tithing can work for us in neutralizing karmic debts.

“Service and tithing are avenues through which the soul manifests itself.” -GMCKS

“As you do service and as you help, you are entitled to receive help.”-GMCKS

“Tithing is like the seed; the blessing is the fertilizer.”- GMCKS

    Pranic Healing teaches us to flow, to open our hearts and appreciate all of life’s blessings, to recognize the value of energy exchange, to respond concretely and create change through blessing, and to be joyful givers and grateful receivers.

“Life is a cycle. It is yang and yin. You have to exhale before you inhale. You must give in order to receive. You have to plant in order to harvest.” -GMCKS

Giving is connected with the heart; it is connected with love. When you love, when you give and share, you will have prosperity.” -GMCKS

    Pranic Healing teaches us that we have the power to change and provides the spiritual technology for us to do so.

“People must have the Will to create Change. Status quo is not acceptable.”-GMCKS

    Pranic Healing teaches oneness and loving all sentient beings. The planet is shared by all.
    “Pranic Healing is a Bridge to Spirituality” -GMCKS

“As you develop the peope around you also develop. As you progress the world progresses with you to a certain degree.” -GMCKS


  • Ground spirituality by providing priceless spiritual teachings, tools, and techniques to heal and empower oneself and others
  • Have given rise to a very loving and supportive worldwide family
  • Will definitely transform your life for the better
  • Are instrumental for healing the world

Thank you Dindy for sharing your story.


Join our daily guided meditation with healing and enlightening talks.

7:30pm-9:00pm Philippine Time, Mondays to Fridays

Please check Zoom link at

Up, Down, Up Up

March 8, 2021 Leave a comment

Up, Down, Up, Up

Lessons on Spiritual Business Management by Mar and Angel Masilang

So you want to enhance your fortune and family life? Mar had the best job, a financial comptroller of a popular 5-star hotel in the Bay area, and found it a good time to get married to Angel.

One year after his son was born, he lost his job with no stable income to feed his family. He tried all sorts of businesses for several years but failed to bring money to his wife. It took a toll on Mar and Angel's family relationship until they learned Pranic Healing courses, including Spiritual Business Management. Although, they knew that coming into the school does not mean liberation from all life concerns. But here, they learned tools and techniques to enjoy spiritualized materialism.

As their daughter Mona puts it, the last 3 years of their life had been totally different... how their family has become more tolerant, with a more harmonious life in their house.

Watch their video.

Life of Chi

February 23, 2021 Leave a comment

Atty. Chi Padayao


Do you ever wonder if there’s a faster yet safe way to transform yourself and your life?

Many people think that it’s impossible to get over health, relationship, financial and spiritual hurdles all at the same time.

They think they need lots and lots of time for research to do it until they can change into better persons.

That they have to spend much money and effort to improve their situation.

Well, I, too, was in that situation.

Pretty recently, actually.

A few days before the AY Intensive Program, Mama (my mother) put herself under self-quarantine.

Her co-worker was in close contact with a COVID+ spouse.

Did I tell you that my parents are both in their 60s and vulnerable?

Naturally, worry energies surfaced out in the family.

But with spiritual technologies taught in Pranic Healing® and Arhatic Yoga®, we got over the initial panic reaction.

Mama also nudged her co-worker and COVID+ spouse to register with the PHFP Humble Crown Healers distant healing program for COVID+.

Two days later which was the first day of the AY Intensive Program, Mama’s co-worker tested COVID negative.

Our family was free from mental, emotional, physical, and financial harm.

And I could focus on the weekend’s Arhatic Yoga® practice.

You see, while at the 2-Day Arhatic Yoga® Intensive Program, I did a bit of brainstorming with my co-Arhatic Yoga practitioners as to the effect of using the Arhatic Yoga® and Pranic Healing® technologies in promoting good health, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

What we discovered was mind-bending.

Read more…

Discover the Beauties of Pranic Healing as a Family

February 22, 2021 Leave a comment

Pranic Healing is not just an energy healing. It is a lifestyle, a way of wholesome living using the knowledge and techniques of using energy that keeps every person and every being alive.

We are not just this physical body, but instead a being beyond it. There is an energy field surrounding every one of us that keeps us healthy and alive. This luminous energy field is often called the aura.

Sometimes this brilliant aura gets contaminated, and ailments appear as a result. In fact anything that disturbs us from an unhealthy meal or improper hygiene, to stress, fear and arguments affect our aura making it dimmer, imbalanced and dirty, which in the long run will appear as pain, discomfort, physical or even psychological ailments.

Thus to remain healthy, we need to take good care of our energy body!

Pranic Healing in this case provides simple and easy to learn techniques to cleanse our energy body regularly and energize it in order to improve our overall physical and psychological conditions.

Pranic Healing is also called the “Science of Healing” as it uses validated and tested methods and protocols to ensure a rapid and safe recovery. Many people from all over the world and practicing Pranic Healing and have experienced and benefited from its techniques.

So join us along with your wonderful family and become a part of the Pranic Healing Family.

COVID19 and Meditation On Twin Hearts

April 1, 2020 Leave a comment

MCKS Meditation on Twin Hearts works on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (the physical heart) and the crown chakra (the spiritual heart), thereby enabling the practitioner to draw down a great amount of divine energy into the crown and into the whole system.

When we do Meditation on Twin Hearts, our energy body is cleansed.  Master Choa Kok Sui said when you take a bath you clean the physical body.  When you do your Meditation on Twin Hearts, it’s like taking a spiritual shower to clean your energy body.

Your energy body is composed of aura and chakras.  When your aura and chakras are substantially clean, you have a healthier physical body.

If you regularly practice Meditation on Twin Hearts, you are regularly cleaning your energy body, you have a better, higher quality of vibration.

COVID19 is of lower vibrationTherefore, if you have a higher quality of vibration, a bright and clean energy body, the virus will be automatically repelled.  It won’t vibe with you!

On a wider scale, if more people will practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts especially if simultaneously, more Divine energy will pour down on Mother Earth. We will be able to help raise the vibrations of Mother Earth and eventually naturally repel and dispel the Corona Virus!

The corona virus has caused a lot of negative emotions to surface out in humans, like fear, worry, anxiety and depression. Collectively, these emotions become one big negative energy hovering over our environment and could potentially infect also other people. In his Sutra Beyond the Mind, the Golden Lotus sutra on Meditation, Master Choa Kok Sui further explained how we can be cleansed from these negative emotions:

“Cleansing received from the downpouring of spiritual energy when practicing Meditation on Twin Hearts occurs in three ways:

  1. Cleansing of your own negative thoughts and emotions.
  2. Cleansing from the negative thoughts and emotions of other people coming to you.
  3. Cleansing from the contamination received by living in large cities.  The city has its own aura which to a certain degree, is dirty.  By living within the city, one’s aura also gets contaminated.”

“Through the practice of Meditation on Twin Hearts, your internal condition is transformed.  When you do Meditation on Twin Hearts, you become a “spiritual conductor”.  Your body will become filled with light, hope and strength.  When doing Twin Hearts Meditation, Divine energy radiates throughout your aura.  Unwholesome emotions and thoughts are expelled and your mind becomes calm and peaceful.”

“When done regularly, Meditation on Twin Hearts will give you a better physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health…When practiced by a large number of people [it] can also miraculously heal the entire earth, thereby making the earth more harmonious and peaceful.”

Join the Institute for Inner Studies on an online group meditation—intended for healing and divine protection against the COVID-19 pandemic at or contact for group meditation schedules.

A Guru-Disciple Relationship

March 11, 2020 Leave a comment

One time, a disciple asked his guru: “what is the difference between human love and the love of the guru to his disciple?”

The guru in one of his most loving and caring moments looked at him and answered: “the love of a human being is finite, limited and is tested by time . Often it is a one lifetime affair and its duration is marked by the fruition of much negative karma. Their little joys are punctuated by many forms of personal sufferings.

Do you understand what I’m saying?” he asked.

“The love of a guru is love not ended by time. It is deathless and timeless.

The death of the body is a sojourn between incarnations for you to come together again and again through many incarnations to train and to strengthen the bond of endless love and spirituality between the two of you.

Sometimes the disciple leaves the body early. Sometimes it is the Master who leaves the physical incarnation earlier.

If the guru-discipleship is true and bonded by soul love, the leaving is marked by rememberance.

This is something you have to remember:

If your love is true for me – support and continue the seeds I have planted….. .”


Remembering Master Choa Kok Sui on his 13th spiritual liberation anniversary on March 19.

Let us continue to support his Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga Mission. Let us invite more people to the path.

For schedule of Pranic Healing seminars, please contact :

Pranic Healing Foundation of the Philippines

  • +63917.8527434
  • Email: